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年会小节目([3月团队成员故事]年会上RMCC节目领舞的小姐姐,听说你们都很想认识她?——Jessie’s Story)

年会小节目两个月前在东钱湖的希尔顿年会狂欢夜, 希尔顿亚太区收益管理整合中心(下称RMCC)的团队成员们为大家…

两个月前在东钱湖的希尔顿年会狂欢夜, 希尔顿亚太区收益管理整合中心(下称RMCC)的团队成员们为大家奉上了精心准备的劲歌热舞,其中“热舞”部分大家一定还有印象吧?
Two months ago, on the Hilton annual party eve at Hilton Dongqian Lake Resort, RMCC team members presented a wonderful show of singing, dancing and video which were all delicately prepared. I bet you still have the impression of the dancing part, don’t you?
Please check the video below for a recap:
After returning to Shanghai, we were given feed back that many people were deeply impressed by the exquisite dancing skills of the young lady who was one of the dance leads and was eager to know her background. Therefore, in this month’s team member interview, we invited Jessie – who internally transferred from the US Hilton headquarter about three months ago – to share her story with us.
A:大家好,我是Jessie Wang。我本科就读于香港浸会大学联合国际学院的应用经济学专业,13年毕业以后出国读研,在德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校读的供应链管理。15年研究生毕业后,同年11月份,进入了希尔顿达拉斯总部。我刚开始签的是第三方合同,3个多月后转正成为收益协调员,在收益管理支持部工作, 就是大家所熟知的GDM team。2年多以后通过内部转岗的机会,去年12月回国来到RMCC,担任区域收益经理的职位。
Q:为什么会选择我们(RMCC APAC)呢?
A:首先我很喜欢希尔顿的公司文化,我觉得希尔顿真的是很适合工作的地方。其次我在美国总部的两年期间就有一直跟RMCC打交道,因为工作有交集,并且以后有回国的想法,所以我有关注RMCC APAC ,并且通过RMCCSocialBuzz公众号了解了很多亚太区收益管理这边的动态,觉得这边团队很年轻也继承并发展了我喜欢的公司文化,所以当机会来到面前了,我选择了来上海。

A:从前家庭聚会的时候, 我就看着爸爸妈妈在音乐响起时情不自禁的牵着手起舞,就连外公也会站起来精神抖擞的跳两段,那时候的我就觉得随着音乐起舞是很幸福的事。

Q: Please kick off with a brief self-introduction.
A: Hello everyone! I’m Jessie Wang. I got my bachelor’s degree in applied economics at United International College back in 2013 and I studied in Supply Chain Management while I had my master’s degree in University of Texas at Dallas. After graduation in 2015, I joined Hilton and worked at Dallas/Addison Headquarter in November. I started as a contractor and got transfer to full time after 3 months. I was a revenue coordinator at Revenue Management Support Team which is also known as GDM. 2 years after, I returned to China and joined RMCC as Cluster Revenue Manager last December through internal transfer.

Q: Why did you choose RMCC APAC?
A: First, I really like Hilton culture; I believe that Hilton is one of the best places to work. I worked closely with RMCC team during the years I am in Dallas. I followed the WeChat Account RMCCSocialBuzz and got to know things that happened in RMCC APAC. The team is young, fresh and energetic; therefore, I decided to join the team when the opportunity comes.
Q: Which hotels that you’re currently revenue managed?
A: 2 GCM hotels: Hilton Yuxi Fuxian Lake and Hilton Wuhan Optics Valley.

Q: It seems that you really like dancing! When did you start learning it? Could you let us know the origins?
A: I love watching my parents’ dance wherever the music is on, even my grandpa will start dancing in his late 70s. I feel the happiness of dancing at that time. I attended many group dancing that held by the school when I was little, mainly Chinese Traditional folk dance. I only started Hip-hop/Jazz funk when I was in college. I was being selected to join a Cheerleading team and a hip-hop dance group. Since then, I was indulged into dancing. Even during my master’s years, I didn’t stop. Instead, me and some dance lover formed a dance group ourselves and performed both on and off campus. We also held classes and taught students. I would say my whole student life is all about dancing.
Q: How do you feel after getting famous after the annual party?
A: Honestly, I didn’t feel I get famous after the party. However, I am really glad that I was able to get to know my colleagues through this performance. Since I just joined RMCC on December, I didn’t have much chance to talk to people or make friends in the department. But after all the practices, I have better understanding of the department as well as getting to know my colleagues. We now have share topics which help me better involved in the team. Thank you RMCC for giving me chance to perform and all the colleagues that participated in the performance.

Q: Do you have any other hobbies apart from dancing?
A: I am a foodie, I exercise because I want to eat more without gaining too much weight. please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are planning to have hotpot. I also like to go to art exhibitions. Sometimes I love to spend my time at home just watching reality show or cooking dishes.
RMCC办公室里“卧虎藏龙”,除了收益管理之外,在业余时间里,大家都有自己的爱好和专长,如运动,跳舞,弹琴,摄影,旅行等。目前,RMCC公众号每月都会推出一期人物专访,带领大家认识和了解更多可爱的团队成员~ 下个月我们会采访谁呢?让我们拭目以待吧!
There are many talents in RMCC’s office. In addition to revenue management, in the spare time, everyone has their own hobbies like sports, dancing, playing piano, photography, travelling, etc. Currently we’re launching a monthly interview program to let people know more about our lovely team members! Who will we interview next month? Stay tuned!
Past Team Member Interviews
从实习生到区域收益经理,我与RMCC共同茁壮成长//From Intern to CRM, I Thrived with RMCC Together — Louie’s Story
从HRCC到RMCC,我在希尔顿的第七年//From HRCC to RMCC, My Seventh Year in Hilton — Amy’s Story


